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From sending a one off donation to shopping on our wishlist - find out how to support us here.

Support & Donate.

Amazing! Thank you so much for coming! We appreciate your support so much. Here is all the information you need for a one-off donation, or if you can, a monthly donation! We appreciate that not everyone has spare funds at the moment, so we have included a few ideas where you can support without spending!

Donate Online

Send a one-off donation online here using Paypal or debit/credit card

Monthly Donation

Set up a monthly direct debit donation or standing order!

Amazon Wishlist

If you would like to choose what to purchase for us check out our Amazon Wishlist here and they will deliver it to our door!

Leave a legacy

Leaving a legacy is very simple. When you make out your will simply tell your solicitor what gift you would like to leave and give them our address, Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue, Thornby Moor, Wigton, CA7 0LA and our charity number 1079659.

Make us your favourite PayPal Charity


Get the option to donate £1 each time you pay online with PayPal. Log into the PayPal app on your phone, scroll down to "Donate & Make a Difference" and set a favourite Charity! Just search for Knoxwood. 

Donate via Crowdfunder or set up a Crowdfunder project here

Donate by Post

If you want to send a cheque, please make payable to Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue Trust & pop it in the post to Knoxwood, Thornby Moor, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 0LA.

Support without Spending

No funds? no problem. You can still get involved and support us. Here is a whole lot of ways you can support Knoxwood without spending.

Give as you

This is an awesome way to support us regularly. Sign up for Give as you live (it's free) and we will get donations for all kinds of things, from you booking a holiday, bidding on eBay or even your weekly shop! check it out here 

Donated funds? Giftaid it!

If you are a UK taxpayer your donation could be worth 20% more! This applies to all money donations including online donations, paypal, cash, cheques, monthly ones, whatever! 


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